My Boots n Me is your inspirational source for hundreds of day and weekend trips around Vancouver and British Columbia, Canada. For families and photographers British Columbia has something to offer everyone. Stop awhile and savor what Mother Nature has in store for you.
You will never be disappointed.

~~Karen Cooper~~

BC, Rain and Waterfalls

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Cameron Lake, British Columbia

Cameron Lake on
Vancouver Island is not only a beautiful lake,
she is also home to a mysterious unknown
Named the Lake Cameron Creature,
she was first spotted in the 1980's. For years, local
residents have reported seeing
a massive creature that rises
to the surface and then disappears.

The Pacific Rim Highway follows
Cameron Lake's south shore. The drive
offers some stunning vistas
of snow topped mountains reflected
in Cameron Lake's gentle waters.

I never saw the creature on my wanderings past
Cameron Lake. Mother Nature likes
to guard her mysteries and secrets close to
her heart, and share them with the
deserving. For now, I am happy
to let the mystery remain.


Unknown said...

Lovely shot!
I wonder if mysteries like this were meant to be solved.
I think it's better that they haven't been. We need some unanswered questions!

Karen Cooper said...

Thanks Robin, I agree, I love the unsolved mysteries the best.