My Boots n Me is your inspirational source for hundreds of day and weekend trips around Vancouver and British Columbia, Canada. For families and photographers British Columbia has something to offer everyone. Stop awhile and savor what Mother Nature has in store for you.
You will never be disappointed.

~~Karen Cooper~~

BC, Rain and Waterfalls

Monday, December 3, 2007

Pacific Coast, Nicaragua

Just when I thought I had seen the most spectacular ocean scenery ever, I took a trip to a small community on the Pacific coast of Nicaragua called Casares.

Casares is about 70 km south east of Managua or about an hour and half drive from Granada. Right on the ocean. With miles of open fields and views of volcanoes to boot. I'm not sure it gets much better than this. I can't even get it all in on one photo. And its definitely off the beaten touristy trail.

Personally, I don't like the beaten touristy trail places. I like getting out and "discovering" these stunningly beautiful places myself. Okay, so maybe I am not the first one to leave my footprints on the beach here. But I sure make everyone I am with really, really annoyed with me when I keep saying "Oh-my-gosh-this-is-soooo-incredible!". I wonder if Christopher Columbus ever got anyone annoyed with him?


My Chutney Garden said...

Found you because you commented on my blog. Thanks so much. Anyway, I'm thrilled to have found you because I've been searching for a South America blog. We are just 7 miles away from Venezuela but because we are English speaking and an ex-British colony there are not many ties. I used to do business in Guatemala and visited Antigua several times and would love to go back. Will come back and visit frequently,

Anonymous said...

Where is it in relationship o San Juan de Sur?


Anonymous said...

Very nice photos. I am going to add you to my blogroll if that is alright. I enjoy coming here.

Karen Cooper said...

Hi lhotze .. Casares is north of San Juan del Sur. There is a very rough road that connects them along the coast I hear, though I haven't personally been on it yet.

davidlind -- thanks for the add!

Bonnie said...

your pictures are gorgeous! makes me so jealous! i enjoy getting off the beaten path myself - want to get to the places that most people miss!