My Boots n Me is your inspirational source for hundreds of day and weekend trips around Vancouver and British Columbia, Canada. For families and photographers British Columbia has something to offer everyone. Stop awhile and savor what Mother Nature has in store for you.
You will never be disappointed.

~~Karen Cooper~~

BC, Rain and Waterfalls

Monday, January 16, 2012

Best Places to See in BC - Jones Lake

You absolutely cannot beat the view from
Jones Lake, BC.
Jones Lake, also known as Wahleach Lake, is located
25 kms southeast of the town of Hope, BC
and lies in the Skagit Range of the Cascade Mountains.

Not only are the views of Mount Cheam
impressive from here, there are 2 glaciers to
gape and eye pop over, too.
Both the
Lucky Four and Wahleach Glaciers
can be seen from the boat ramp.
Another spectacular place to visit and
enjoy in British Columbia.


Unknown said...

Aha! Finally a place I have been to! It's quite a ride up to there. You really got off the beaten track with this one!