My Boots n Me is your inspirational source for hundreds of day and weekend trips around Vancouver and British Columbia, Canada. For families and photographers British Columbia has something to offer everyone. Stop awhile and savor what Mother Nature has in store for you.
You will never be disappointed.

~~Karen Cooper~~

BC, Rain and Waterfalls

Monday, April 16, 2007

Rainfall in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

There are just so many things you can photograph in the rain. Then you have to get inventive.

British Columbia gets a lot of rain. Some weather sites call it "heavy winter precipitation". I call it downright bleak some days. But mild, we rarely get any snow here. Which is a good thing if you see what is happening along the Eastern Seaboard right now.

I think complaining about the rain has become a sport in BC. Comparing how many wrinkles you have on your sodden feet is good for a giggle or two. That is because a lot of people still wear sandals in the winter. I personally do not change out of sandals until the water crests over the top of them. Just messes up a good pair of shoes in the wet anyway, may as well get your feet washed when you go grocery shopping.

I am having to get clever with the photography now and go through some of the shots I took earlier this year. Pretty soon I am going to have to take up some indoor sport, like knitting.

Well, there is always a plane to somewhere sunny.


Doug said...

You could also do indoor photography. Practice that macro!

On second thought the plane to somewhere sunny sounds better ;-)

miss appropriate said...

Your blog has got some beautiful pics! The sun can be over-rated at times. I grew up in ever-sunny southern California, but moved to northern Oregon as an adult. We face the same issue with rained out photography most months here in western Oregon. Luckily we're in the foothills of the Cascades, and can go around Mt. Hood to about 40 miles to sunnier horizons.

Jas said...

Nice to see some familiar scenery shots. and yes the rain has driven me nuts this year, and i'm tired of complaining now. I learn to accept it now. :)

Henry Leong said...

Nice captured.