My Boots n Me is your inspirational source for hundreds of day and weekend trips around Vancouver and British Columbia, Canada. For families and photographers British Columbia has something to offer everyone. Stop awhile and savor what Mother Nature has in store for you.
You will never be disappointed.

~~Karen Cooper~~

BC, Rain and Waterfalls

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

My Boots n Me Best Places to See - Jasper National Park

You simply cannot explore British Columbia
and the Canadian Rockies without a trip
across the border to Alberta and Jasper National Park.

Though My Boots n Me intended to keep the
explorations strictly to
British Columbia, Jasper National Park
needs to be included in these chronicles.

One photo, one blog posting,
one inadequate description in words can never convey the whole
feeling of this bigger than magnificent park.

I visited Jasper National Park in the dead of winter,
snow and ice storms raged in between
bouts of the most incredible blue skies I have ever seen.
Wildlife greeted me the the biggest of ways, elk and deer,
and the smallest of ways, tiny chickadees and field mice.
Coyotes are healthy and wander in wildness
and freedom. I glimpsed them many times
in open fields, in amongst trees watching me back.
I felt more than something right with
our world here. It's as it should be
in peace and harmony with itself.

Though there is a road running through the park
and many other less than natural aspects that
man has imposed on her, she still survives and thrives.

I have been extremely privileged to see many of
the areas of our beautiful world and the province
I live in.
This is one area I could quite literally spend
more than one lifetime photographing
and documenting and never touch the
magical qualities she possesses.

I did touch her spirit, through a brief moment of eternity.
I am forever changed.

 To see more photos
from fabulous British Columbia
please visit my other website: